Helping people is our aim!

Helping people is our aim!

In 2016 A young girl came to QueenBEE Secrets after using Rapid BEE Repair on Topical Steroid Withdrawal. A condition she had suffered for many of her young years. TSW is a debilitating skin condition from overuse of steroids. Finding Rapid BEERepair soothed and...

Red Skin Syndrome

Red Skin Syndrome Relief finally after 25 years on and off steroid creams. Suffering Eczema is so debilitating. Here is Louise’s story after using our BEE Skin Recovery and Rapid BEE Repair after a few days. “Hi Di, I quit steroid cream about 3 and a half...
Australia’s Manuka Honey Beneifts

Australia’s Manuka Honey Beneifts

Australian Manuka Honey is home to the most potent Manuka Honey in the World. Now that’s a big call but true. In fact Australia’s Manuka Honey from the beautiful northern river regions is harvested from pristine coast forests and hinterlands of the...