With a Mum struggling to help her son find something natural to help his skin she finally came across BEE Skin Recovery. Jade kindly called us and told us that it’s the only thing that is helping her son get through his topical steroid withdrawal. Making his life more tolerable and easy he is able to perform normal activities , like simply going to school and not being bullied by the appearance of his skin. Thank you for letting us know – Jade K SA
After using Steroid creams for long periods skin becomes thin and can become infected easily. This debilitating skin problem can take a very long time to overcome but BEE Skin Recovery is helping this young boy along with many others to travel the journey. Relieving soreness and placing a protective barrier on the skin BEE Skin Recovery is there to help the recovery. Mother Nature’s secret is 1200+MGO Manuka Honey , Australian of course. TGA Licensed to assure its authenticity. This honey cannot be purchased in store , it is used in hospital and for wound treatment. We feel very honoured to be able to obtain this special ingredient.