Staying Chemical-Free Together

by | Oct 21, 2021

QueenBEE Secrets is proud to be part of the Chemical-FREE Community. Our customers often come back with exceptionally good testimonials from using nature’s best-kept secrets for skincare. In one case, regular use of our Jelly Bush Honey (Australian Manuka Honey) and Royal Jelly infused Rapid BEE Repair had a miraculous effect on a little girl’s wound. 

Her injury was the result of a fall down the stairs at school that severely damaged the skin on her face. As you can imagine, she was quite concerned about possible scarring. After roughly 6 days of applying Rapid BEE Repair balm to the site of the injury, it healed completely without even a hint of a scar. 

The results were impressive enough to gain the notice of Spray FREE Farmacy Online, an Australian supplier of organic fruit and vegetables. Much like QueenBEE Secrets, Spray FREE Farmacy Online’s ethos is in helping others live the best possible chemical-free and natural lifestyle they can. It’s always good to be of assistance and make friends with shared interests!