Organic Honey Skin Relief
From having a debilitating skin problem for years to getting their life back, is how one person among many describes finding QueenBEE Secrets organic honey skin balms. “These products as a hairdresser with really bad dermatitis, saved my career, which is my life. I could not recommend a better product.”Charles Maido WA
OUR STORY – Several years ago a Mother and daughter came to Di after using Rapid BEE Repair. Apparently it was the only thing the young girl used that didn’t make her skin sting .She had Topical Steroid Withdrawal. (overuse of steroid creams) It can be quite debilitating and many suffer from this condition. Rapid BEE Repair is highly concentrated and was difficult for her to spread, even though it made her skin feel better. TSW was literally all over her little body. Any firm creams would rip and tear the skin.
So Di set to work to try and find something that would help this young girl. And so BEE Skin Recovery was born. It’s smooth and soothing properties include Australian Manuka Honey or Jelly Bush Honey as it is known to beekeepers. With 850 MGO this organic honey is a natural and a very impression anti bacterial fighting substance. When applied to the skin helps the skin to heal itself. Giving a protective layer to the skin while soothing and mositurising it beautifully.
RESULTS – This lovely young girl got her life back even though TSW can be a lifelong problem she is now able to be a happy normal 15year old.Of course there are other contributing factors for TSW such as diet and keeping PH levels right. It’s a long journey for most but worth it to see the end results. Others with a lesser skin problems obtain amazing and lifelong positive results.
Rapid BEE Repair and BEE Skin Recovery are our signature products. We are planning for these product to be in store within Australia in 2021.
With customers coming back time and again, giving us their stories. People who suffer Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Darier’s Disease, chemical burns and more the list goes on. We are committed to keeping up the good work at QueenBEE Secrets. Chemical free of course and Australian made.
Two recent testimonials.
Sept, 2020 – 11 days after using BEE Skin Recovery Kaz can now wear shoes again. Amazing results for Kaz
Sept, 2020 – A few weeks after using both BEE Skin Recovery and Rapid BEE Repair Charlie now has his life back in hairdressing.